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Musikarama’s arrival to Athens

Here a vídeo of our first moments in Athens, after ten days travelling, crossing eight borders and more than 4.000 kilometres.We were tired but full of strenght and motivated to start with our project in Khora. Everything's ready to kick off with the activities!.

Musikarama hits the road!

This is the video of the moments before our departure from Madrid, until the very last minute we were surrounded by lots of good friends and music. These fun and beautiful last minutes made us leave Madrid with the biggest smiles in our faces, happy and excited to start off our trip to Athens...

Trip Madrid-Athens

We will be off to Athens in our van loaded with instruments, on the 27th October. We will regularly post info on the trip, a long one (around 3.800 Km and 7 countries!) but very exciting too. Bringing music across Europe! [countdown date="2017/10/27 15:00"][socialicons facebook=""]